If you don’t know the Lord, or never accepted Him to come into your heart and into your life, please take a moment to pray right now this prayer; it is a prayer of salvation (it is erroneously called the sinner’s prayer). But once you pray and become saved, you are still a sinner; it’s just that now you are a sinner SAVED by grace. That is why it is called the prayer of salvation.

 Father God, I am a sinner, I know I have sinned against you.

I know that I need to be covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ and I need to accept Him as my Lord and Savior. Lord I ask you right now to hear and answer my prayer.

I ask you to forgive me of my sins.

I want to repent and walk in a new way.

I want to receive my inheritance as a joint-heir in the Kingdom

of God and in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I want to be born-again Father God.

I love you and your son Jesus Christ, and I want to have a personal,

intimate relationship with you.  I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer.

In Jesus name I pray.  Amen


Welcome to the Kingdom! Find a good teaching ministry and Spirit-filled Pastor or friend that is willing to disciple you and walk with you while you are babe in Christ. And if you don’t have anyone that fits that description in your life, I invite you personally to contact us here at JITA Publishing and Ministries, and we will connect you with one of us, or find you someone near you. You are not, nor will you ever, be alone in your walk with Christ.

Finally, if ever you are ever in the area stop by JITA Publishing and Ministries, Father’s presence is always among us and we are blessed by His presence as well as His Wisdom, His Knowledge, and His Prophetic and Scriptural Word!

And most importantly, we would love to see you and have you as our guest or to become a part of the JITA Publishing and Ministries Family. We all have been new to the Kingdom and the Body of Christ, we understand and love you! So come as you are, we don’t do the Sunday best attire, we do appropriate and respectful casual attire.  Because our purpose is Jesus, not fashion! Amen!


In Christ’s Love, I love you,

Apostle Prophetess Wendy Connor






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